The project aims to create a chatbot for the purpose of providing gen-Z youth with access to quality SRH information that reflects their diverse realities and debunks SRH misinformation and stereotypes. Additionally, the project’s goal is to equip youth workers with the pedagogical and technical skills needed to use, exploit and re-purpose the chatbot.
About the project

About Alex

Why the need for the Alex project?
- To address the lack of representation of diverse youth realities in SRH programmes
By including SRH topics relevant for young women, LGBTQI+ youth and youth with learning disabilities we will design a gender-sensitive, sex-positive and inclusive learning approach.
- To improve youth worker competences
As youth workers report lacking training on both digital skills and pedagogical skills for teaching sex education, we will strengthen the capacities of education professionals to apply innovative technologies to reach the youth with which they work.
- To increase the media literacy of young people
The chatbot content will focus on equipping young people with the knowledge to navigate the digital media landscape related to myths and disinformation surrounding SRH information and, thus, empower them to be critical consumers of unverified information.